Shock Absorber

Serial No :IGM 00069
Original No :04010-22019
Weight (kg) :3,8 kg
Used In  :VIBROMAX1102

Vibromax Mount

Babacan is one of the Turkey’s  leading manufacturers of Vibromax Mount. Our Vibromax Mounts are being supplied  to Global markets. We offer a range of standard Vibromax Mount  but can also design and manufacture Rubber Mounts to suit a customer’s specific requirements.

The majority of standard Vibromax Mount are identified below.

İf the Vibromax Mount you require, not being on the leaflet or if you require a non-standard or custom made block, please contact with our sales team.
Komatsu, Leibherr, Daewoo, CAT, Volvo, Atlas Copco, Kobelko, Hitachi, JCB, Simutomo, Hidromek, Dynapac, Vibromax, Bitelli, Bomag, Hamm, Terex, Ingersollrand, Demag, Putzmeister, Reich, Schwing, Wibau, Cifa, Elba, Waitzinger, Sermaс, Krupp, Rammer, Tamrock, Furukawa.